Category: Demands

  • “Computer says NO” – how to enable staff and trust customers

    “Computer says NO” – how to enable staff and trust customers

    I had a genuinely hilarious customer service interaction the other day. I had placed an order for my son’s school supplies online last year. When the almighty package arrived, the packing slip was emblazoned with a mighty pink sticker saying something along the lines of ‘Items marked with “OR” are unavailable and will be supplied…

  • The 5 things every leader should know about their customers

    The 5 things every leader should know about their customers

    We all like to think that we know what our customers want. After all, they keep coming back and giving us money, so surely we are doing all the things right… right? Often it’s not as simple as that though. Customers can often be in a holding pattern; not having alternatives to your product or…

  • Coal to power the future? Ask your customers!

    Coal to power the future? Ask your customers!

    Over the past year, there has been a lot of talk through the media regarding renewable energy transitions. From the shutting down of coal-fired power stations, to the bans on fracking throughout various states and regions, a lot of chatter has occurred. It’s no wonder that the government wants to get involved in this dialogue…

  • Centrelink: Busy signals are a symptom, not a cause

    Centrelink: Busy signals are a symptom, not a cause

    I have previously written about The Department of Human Services before. The article actually garnered a fair amount of attention, which is always a good thing… as such I thought I would revisit the DHS, Centrelink, Medicare, and so forth. The DHS could be a case study turned university doctoral thesis in itself, of how…

  • Business sentiment doesn’t matter… consumer sentiment does

    Business sentiment doesn’t matter… consumer sentiment does

    I was watching the news this morning, when the ever predictable financial reports came in from so-called experts. This is normally the point at which my wife is telling me to calm down because I am yelling at these experts professing my disgust at their insights. This morning though, what they were saying took the…

  • Say ‘no’ to profit, and it will come

    Say ‘no’ to profit, and it will come

    Greed can be such an amazingly powerful driving force. Likely, we have all had a taste of it at some time or another, at different levels and in different ways. A windfall, a bonus, an inheritance, or even a simple salary raise can have us striving for more. On the flip-side, we may have been…

  • Disruption for disruption sake

    Disruption for disruption sake

    Recently, I read about a new disruptor in China that was looking to become the new Uber… of umbrellas. At first, I thought “wow!”, this is a pretty novel idea. It’s unique, it is something in demand when certain things happen (it starts to rain), and it’s a pretty simple concept that should be relatively…

  • Failure in demands

    Failure in demands

    I had a really interesting experience the other week. I got an email from AusPost saying that something I had ordered was on its way. Except that the email didn’t actually tell me who the package was from. Or where it was. Of course, I went and clicked on the link provided in the email,…