Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Patient Limbo

    Patient Limbo

    Equipment and technology malfunctions can happen at any time. Things wear out, are misconfigured, or even misused, all leading to problems with technology. The impacts that can reverberate throughout a healthcare facility when something fails can be disastrous. This is what happened at a major Victorian hospital last week; a medical-instrument washing machine broke, and…

  • The Patient Experience

    The Patient Experience

    Throughout my career, I have worked as a consultant across a wide range of industries. However, my passion is for healthcare.It can be hard to have the trust and belief that there is a way to make change that will benefit patients and the organisation as a whole, and still ensure that everybody is able…

  • “Computer says NO” – how to enable staff and trust customers

    “Computer says NO” – how to enable staff and trust customers

    I had a genuinely hilarious customer service interaction the other day. I had placed an order for my son’s school supplies online last year. When the almighty package arrived, the packing slip was emblazoned with a mighty pink sticker saying something along the lines of ‘Items marked with “OR” are unavailable and will be supplied…

  • Leadership in Australia: an existential crisis

    Leadership in Australia: an existential crisis

    It’s incredibly damning to watch the Banking Royal Commission roll on, and see leader after leader give token responses to quite serious questions. The type of questions that try to uncover further abuse of a completely disenfranchised customer cohort. Reading some of the headlines, quotes, and transcripts, and even watching footage on the news breaks…

  • Leaders and mental health: how to support your people in the best way possible

    Leaders and mental health: how to support your people in the best way possible

    There doesn’t have to be a crisis looming in order to put the mental health of your people first. In fact, by putting your people’s wellbeing first and foremost, you will increase productivity, morale, and even business outcomes. If you want to boost your business, there is really not many good, solid, in-house ways to…

  • Why leaders can get confused on customer strategy

    Why leaders can get confused on customer strategy

    It’s amazing how many customer experience strategy documents, articles, books and podcasts there are on the internet nowadays. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of how-to guides, self-help literature, and other consumables. An array of doors to choose, each one leading down a different hallway into a new realm of customer happy-joy times. The problem is that…

  • The 5 things every leader should know about their customers

    The 5 things every leader should know about their customers

    We all like to think that we know what our customers want. After all, they keep coming back and giving us money, so surely we are doing all the things right… right? Often it’s not as simple as that though. Customers can often be in a holding pattern; not having alternatives to your product or…

  • An ageing conundrum: do we really get stuck in our ways?

    An ageing conundrum: do we really get stuck in our ways?

    The other day, I was having a discussion about someone’s grandma. They mentioned that grandma had some relatively strong ideals around things like gay marriage and relationships, politics, news, sport, and even the weather, among other things. This wasn’t really a surprise to me; these ideals are often the case with many from a bygone…

  • Want to learn something exciting about your customers?

    Want to learn something exciting about your customers?

    Many organisations and their leaders nowadays think they know what their problems are. This can often be a bit of a trap, as they are often blinded by own personal drivers. Our personal experiences make us who we are, and they also frame the way we perceive the world. When it comes to understanding all…

  • Gonski: Politics versus education

    Gonski: Politics versus education

    I was watching Simon Birmingham – the Minister for Education – on the news the other morning. He was talking about a whole whack of new Gonski review findings, and how the government will be supporting those findings, albeit with their own governmental twist in implementation. As I listened to what Simon was saying, I…

Got any book recommendations?