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Category: Emotional Intelligence
Leaders and mental health: how to support your people in the best way possible
There doesn’t have to be a crisis looming in order to put the mental health of your people first. In fact, by putting your people’s wellbeing first and foremost, you will increase productivity, morale, and even business outcomes. If you want to boost your business, there is really not many good, solid, in-house ways to…
Why leaders can get confused on customer strategy
It’s amazing how many customer experience strategy documents, articles, books and podcasts there are on the internet nowadays. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of how-to guides, self-help literature, and other consumables. An array of doors to choose, each one leading down a different hallway into a new realm of customer happy-joy times. The problem is that…
An ageing conundrum: do we really get stuck in our ways?
The other day, I was having a discussion about someone’s grandma. They mentioned that grandma had some relatively strong ideals around things like gay marriage and relationships, politics, news, sport, and even the weather, among other things. This wasn’t really a surprise to me; these ideals are often the case with many from a bygone…
Check-in, or check out
As a facilitator, you need a way to break into the group. Being the outsider, it is often that you are at a disadvantage. Entering a system that already existed before you even arrived can be challenging, daunting, and a bit intimidating. Even more so, bringing together a group of strangers in order to facilitate…
Depression is depressing, but there can be help
I seem to have talked about depression and anxiety a lot lately. Compounding life events can take their toll, and little by little that inherent worry or sadness begins to feel like you’re going mad, being crushed by the weight of it all. Sometimes it can be simpler than than; a single, impactful moment in…